Leroy was so into it he almost missed his turn :)
Only 8 left after tonight. :(
Chris Rene is losing some of my support and that makes me sad. It seems like he is already losing that special something that touched me and let me connect to him as an artist, but he must do what he has to I guess.
I am feeling better about Marcus, but I can still see him going home soon too.
Tonight it might be Stacey or Lakoda Rayne. I would keep them above Stacey, but they might go first. Stacey next week.
First two to stay ...... in no particular order :)
Leroy Bell!! way to go Leroy yahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Lakoda Rayne woo hoo!!!
OMG look at Simons face... shock and ahhhhhhhh!! but he genuinely seemed happy for Paula though.
Stacey what a smile!! I love it!! All of you looked so good at the photo shoot with Brian Smith.
Now I want that Sony NEX 5N, but I will have to wait till I have a spare 700.00. LOL
Ok the next two acts:
In no particular order:
Chris Rene!!!! yes!!!! Simon is surprised ... again...me too... I am happy for him even though I feel he is losing ground, almost seems like the glamorous life of fame is starting to drive a wedge into his down homeyness. (a set up for getting back into drugs??? I sure hope not. he is just too sweet)
Melanie Amaro I AM so happy for you!!
so far, so good
next is Josh Kracjik, I knew you would make it. :)
the 6th is ... what?? who??? Marcus Canty
he has an adorable smile, nice personality, but I am getting worried for Drew and Rachael
nail biting time.... looks like Simon is really getting worried too.
AHHHHHHhhh -- a break! really?? my stomach is in knots, thank goodness for Tivo.
OH ..... breathe, just breathe ..... Drew you made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she looked like she was going to cry, I think I was going to cry.
Okay the last slider is.......
come on, just give it up, you're making Rachael cry
(this guy is driving me nuts, and it is not a long drive)
he talks and talks but when the judges try to say what is on their minds he interrupts....
YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS Rachael!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hoo I'm dancin, yes I'm dancin... spinnin on the floor... oh I should not even be doin that at my age. Took me 5 minutes to get back up. I was yellin "HELP I've fallen and I can't get up".. nobody heard me though, good thing there was a table to pull myself up with.
Getting older is the pits.
They made her cry!! That was way uncool she is just a little girl. Shame, shame, shame
Okay, Stacey and Astro, who will the judges chose. I predict Astro. but I totally am rooting for Stacey, so let's find out.
This is just so sad, how do you sing when you are so emotional. Your voice chokes, or so I have been told. I don't sing much it would be unfair to anyone within range. The cat and dog do not mind much though.
Stacey you did good. What a trooper! Song was a good choice showed a lot of your vocal range. You definitely have much more vocal talent than Astro.
Astro you are just too full of yourself and so predictable. Nothing new. What a suck up song.
LA just give it up, you know you are going to vote for Stacey to leave just say it. There you go... finally,, Astro.
Nicole yes or no, YES Stacey to stay!!
Paula, you, no... what? you sent Stacey home? no way!! I thought for sure you would keep her. :(
(and I was just going to say how much I admired you. Maybe I will wait till next week to say it.)
Simon, the truth teller... I think you will probably go with Astro, but THANK YOU for telling to shape up.
OMG I cannot believe that little EGO meister. Simon can not possibly vote for him after he just said what he said. What a little ... his poor mother, what shame he just brought on her.The audience can not even believe he it when said that he did not want to perform for people that put him in the bottom two. The MC bent over to try to get him to behave. Doesn't he realize that potential record producers are watching this?
Lakoda Rayne were in the bottom two for two weeks, they kept putting their best foot forward, redoubled their efforts and made it through this week.
I can not believe this... Astro :P
Simon.. you are thinking about dollar signs, which will not be there with his attitude.
Stacey, you were a very gracious contestant. Not my favourite, because not all can be that, but you were on an amazing journey and you have metamorphosized into a star. I am truly sorry that you are the one leaving this week.
This episode has left me feeling unsatisfied, a little frustrated and a little angry.
I am not sure if I want to watch next weeks, maybe I will just catch the results from the next days news.
We will see.
I have until next Tues. to work it out.