I am till not sure who the other one is but will know soon.
At this moment I do know there will be no probably or might, it is a definite no to ever watching this show again.
It is rigged.
I do not know how it is, but I have ideas on how it could be.
Whether people have been paid to vote for certain contestants or whether some of the calls are not counted correctly, something is wrong.
I suspected it early on, in light of astro's continued reign.
It is the only explanation for Drews being voted off and his staying.
It is hard for me to continue, I have lost my enthusiasm much like one would with any event that was rigged.
It does not matter how much talent these young people have, the winner will be whoever the powers that be choose to win. Right now the golden boy is astro. So sad, this show could have been a really fun show to continue watching in the years to come.
Oh well, shake myself off. I should never have expected more.
Wow!! I love the opening number. Drew was adorable, Josh is getting out of his box, Chris I just love your singing whatever it is, Marcus that smile, (you are just too darn cute), Melanie you are amazing, astro interrupting, rude and .. forget it not worth the keystrokes, Rachael -- whoa you are loosing weight!! You are just such a ray of sunshine.
Yeah Steve I really want to download that song to listen to a interupt Melanie while she sings. Uh huh gunna git right on that one..........................not.
Sweet Drew, what a beautiful smile. My heart is hurting.
Hmm in watching the recap of Weds show I realize I missed a lot speeding through it and not listening to the judges comments. Those girls were really dogging on Simon then. What gives? I might go back and watch it through without the fast forward. I was just in such a strap for time.
I am trying to understand how the judges can tell each one of the competitors that they are the best. What gives. they all can't be; the most original, have the most chance to win and be the best of the show, come on now get real guys, these are human being with feelings.
Oh my goodness, Chris made it!
Melanie yes I am happy for you too!
Little miss sunshine Rachael!! happy, happy, joy, joy
Well, now I understand a little more why a is still in. That act, Tinie or whatever made my head hurt. Had to Fast forward. Could not understand a word he said, He kept jumping up and down like a bouncy ball that lights were flashing none stop. Just not my cup of tea. Wrong generation I guess.
The final act going straight through is going to be Josh. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it He beat out a OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Josh is better but I did not think that he would be the one.
Okay now the automatic removal. Poor Drew she is just crying her eyes out already. Marcus is putting up a brave front.
OMG and double OMG a is leaving!!! That is .... I am in shock... out of words... for now..
And he took it like a pro and not a spoiled brat. Maybe this competition has had some positive effects on him.
I hope so, because I am sure he will be signed on by someone and having an attitude will not get him far.
He actually looked personable and cute! He had a smile and was not quite as cocky.
Drew is not going to be able to sing. She is way way too emotional.
Steve is one of the most callous mc people I have heard. Asking people how they feel at a moment like this. He would be the reporter that asks a young mother how she feels after seeing her child die. Can he be for real?
Wow it really is dog on Simon tonight. Why is Paula so upset with him I just replayed this section 3 times to be sure and I am. When Steve asked Paula what she thought, she told him and then turned to looked at Simon, gave him a I am gonna get you now smile, sat back folded her arms and then turned with a big smile and looked right at Nicole, who looked like she was trying to ignore it all. Simon looks like he knows already what she plans on doing.
Drews voice is so awesome, her heart is just gone out of her singing now. Her lips are trembling when she finished. Poor girl..
Marcus you little cutie, so polite.
I think Drew did better singing her save me song, but Marcus has a lot more enthusiasm.
At least that is my opinion.
Nicole is that called a back handed compliment? "I know I have been hard on you, but that is because you are so good, but I am sending you home. "
Did I miss something?? You really sound like you mean it though.
Paula you are lucky you can't see the looks Simon is giving you. He knows what your going to say and he is not happy.
Oh now he is upset because without ado you said it.
Oooo Paula he just gave you a "We are going to talk about this later" or a similar thought with that glare. I would not want to be you.
Are you getting even with him for something he said or did? hmmmmmmmmmmmm -- A woman scorned perhaps???
He is really not happy did not even want to make a statement.
He is truly amazing in his self-control. No tantrums no ugly words(at least not on national tv), just strength. Although you can tell he is seething.
No wonder so many people like him.
I find him quite manly, not my type but manly all the same.
In some ways I am glad I knew ahead of time. I would have been so crushed just to find out without warning.
This was an emotional episode.
I am truly sorry to see you go Drew, all the more so because I do not think it was from lack of talent, more from pettiness.