Jan 8 began my first journey into the world of dieting. While the thought of doing so played occasionally across my mind, the catalyst that inspired the act was twofold; I had reached a point in my weight gain that I was experiencing sharp pain in my abdomen while typing on the computer something I do for several hours a day. I also had reached a fulcrum point in my wardrobe; lose weight or buy a new one.
Slowly over the past few years as my weight climbed steadily higher and I found my wardrobe dwindling as I culled and re-culled my clothing, donating the discards to charity, the thoughts of dieting had crossed my mind. This year all that was left in clothing choices were my larges and a few XL items that really were cut more on the L side. All of which were becoming tighter and tighter. Several of that size had already been culled due to the unflattering look of my spare tire and/or the fact my arms no longer fit comfortably in the arm holes.
As a result I found myself talking to my daughter in law about weight watchers. I knew she had bounced back and forth with the program so she showed me how many points I was consuming just in my breakfast alone; a meal that is the same day after day. From there we covered different meals I might choose to make.
This was an eye opener for sure. I had always thought rice was a healthy addition to meals. Then I discovered 1 cup is 5 points, add that to the oil and the chicken points and my meal was an easy 10 points or more. When 26 is your limit for the day that is not so good.
There were many more examples like that in my diet so I checked into joining, but was put off with the the26.00 join up fee. Were they nuts? 26.00 just to join an online program??? Then there was also the monthly fee. So I waited. Enter Jennifer Husdon her “Believe” campaign for WW brought a waiving of the 26.00 fee and I joined.
I have not regretted it.
In the first week I lost 2 lbs. Exciting, but I told myself that could have been water loss. The second week gave me cause for excitement because I had lost another 2 pounds. Sunday begins my 8th week and I have lost weight each week with the exception of one.
This week has been my first week not to tap into the Points Plus Allowance. I get 49 a week and they have been a life saver. I am looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow morning as the scales are now registering another weight loss.
At the beginning of this week I felt the first inkling of how great it felt to have the weight off. I feel more energized, sexier. I have lost 3 inches off my waist and I could see the curve of my waist again. It was such a good feeling to be tightening my belt instead of letting it out.
I started at 161, according to my scales, 163 by my daughter in laws. I used my scale weight for recording purposes since that was the scale I would be using throughout this process. Today those scales say 149, 12 pounds!!
Not sure if it shows to others, I see it in my face and really feel it physically.
The left photo was taken on 1.05.12 and the right was taken on 2.22.12. Still have a ways to go, about 15 more pounds.