Thursday, November 3, 2011

X factor 11.03.11

I needed a blog just to express my personal opinion and Erdkinder was not a comfortable place for that.
So here it is. Thurs night X factor began with a bang. Very well choreographed, the costumes were well thought out the singing was entertaining and then there was Astro. Have not seen the end but if he does not get voted off tonight it won't be long.

How is it that 11 other contestants blend to a theme, could be an entire concert onto themselves and he is the lone duck. Would it actually hurt if he was part of the whole event? If he were not so cute I doubt it.

My heart is pounding, it is getting harder to breathe, the mc keeps saying "in no particular order" Ahhh only two have been revealed then a break, ahhhh! (again) so glad I have tivo.

So we have:
Marcus, he is growing on me. going to make it harder as the weeks go by.
Drew, YES YES YES!! You were so very good last night!
omg Leroy, YES!! I thought for sure he was a goner, really glad he is not (but you should have seen the shocked look on Simons face :)
Noooooooo Astro, come on now! that means somone I like is leaving :(
Hmmm Lakoda Rayne, yes, they are starting to really congeal. I see that happening
Rachel, you sweetheart, you made it. Simon looked happy for you too.
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CHRIS YOU MADE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josh, yeah you made it uh huh, you made it!

okay now there are 2 more... drum roll Simon is looking quite serious, is it because Melanie has not been chosen? She has got to have her name called, she is to good to let go.

Wooo Hoo!!!!! yes Melanie there you are! what a great smile! Yeah that was what had him worried. Simon is smiling now.

So that leaves The Stereo Hogz, Intensity, and Stacy. Let's see the last one safe.

Stacy you made it! So happy for you.

Now for the sudden death playoff.

Paula I feel for you. You are so amazing.

This show has really given insight to the mentors emotional side. Paula and Nicole seem to have deep feelings for their acts. It is heart wrenching to identify with them.

This was a hard decision for the judges I could tell. Intensity was voted to go home. Not my choice, but I am not one of the judges.

Whew! I that was intense!

Last week after the show I was perusing the X Factor site, do not now how I found it but there was a link to Chris Rene's twitter account. I signed up for an account a few years ago used it for a few minutes and never went back. Just not my generation. My dilemma was now I wanted to use it. So there I was digging through stacks of papers trying to find login info. I finally found it, logged in, made my comment and Chris Rene actually read it and commented on it. Talk about a natural high!! He made my day. I mentioned my age in the comment, stated how much I liked his performance and he treated it with kindness. Totally down to earth kind of guy. Maybe that is one of the reasons I am rooting for him. I have always felt that who a person is is as important as what they can do.

Kind of like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. So many people worship Jobs, but from what I have read he was a little narcissistic and yet Gates who has had more than one bad article written about him has more philanthropy in his little finger than Jobs had in his whole body. (not to speak ill of the dead. at least from what I know. if I am wrong, I apologize)