The final 9 give their thanks: God, family, best friends, and fans.
Only 1 gave thanks to fans, people who only love you when you are "IT".
(you can only guess who the megalomaniac was who gave thanks to their fans)
Nicole and Paula were stunning, of course.
First up is Sweet Rachael Crow from Colorado giving thanks to her family.
Go Rachael!!
Rachael sings, "I Believe".
Tears pooled in my eyes as a smile filled warmth and joy spread across my face.
Her mother and Simon showed similar feelings as well as pride.
I have to keep reminding myself that she is so young.
Her voice, her kindness, politeness, thankfulness is so beyond her 12 years.
Nicole called her a bright light, she is so very true in that statement.
Paula called her an angel on earth.
Rachael is Americas Sweetheart!
Marcus Canty you have truly grown on me. You are loving, kind, moral and your love and respect of your mother touches me deeply.
This week he gives his thanks to his mother for the positive energy she brought into his life and for all she did for him and his sister. She is an amazing woman whose primarily concern in life was her two children.
You are so blessed Marcus. What a mom to be thankful for.
Marcus your heartfelt loving words for her...(kleenex please) you are one special young man.
Here you go Marcus singing "A Song For Mama".
The song just finished and as I typed the tears are still flowing down my cheeks. I have never heard that song before and the way you sang it to your mom....was heartfelt and filled with deep emotion. She will never, ever forget this night. I don't know how she got through it without her makeup floating away. Mine is all over my shirt now. You touched every mother watching this show tonight.
I wish LA would have let Simon finish though.
You did your mama proud tonight Marcus :)
Melanie Amaro from Florida is the only contestant to give thanks to God.
Singing "The World's Greatest" her voice was spot on!!
What a glorious song to praise the Greatest Entity ever! Hallelujah!
Thank you Melanie for gifting us with such an inspirational song sung with a voice only God could create.
It was moving to hear you speak with the love you have for your God, family and your thankfulness to all...
(I am running out of Kleenex.)
What an amazing woman you are!
Yes Simon! Please everyone do not let her go home!
Chris Rene' gave thanks to Tim Fry, the counselor at rehab that he credited for having saved his life. Chris sang his version of "Let it be" combined with "Young Homey". I really enjoyed this arrangement.
Chris your smile just makes my heart soar with joy. I am thankful you turned your life around and took advantage of your second chance so you could be here tonight. Continue to "Love Life" and "Believe"
Lakoda Rayne is giving thanks to the people who shaped them into who they are today. Dani gives thanks to her dad. Paige give thanks to her boyfriend Michael. Hayley gives thanks to her dad. Cari gives thanks to her grandma.
Singing "You Belong With Me" this has to be my FAVORITE performance to date by them! I was treated to a taste of each voice, they harmonized exceptionally well, looked and danced fabulously!!
Paula they did you proud.
***At this point I am worried, so far there is no one I would vote off, but 2 have to go tomorrow. :( ***
Leroy Bell from Seattle Washington is thankful for his mom. His mom is gone, almost two years now. Seeing the early pictures of Leroy is strange because he has not aged in looks only in years.
Have you ever wondered what is under his hat? hmmmmmm
Leroy sings "Angel", soulful, heartfelt, beautiful. He seems like he is such a deep, kind hearted person. His music is almost spiritual.
Brian Bradley aka astro gives his thanks to his supporters especially after the "thingy" last week.
Drew Ryniewicz, from Chino Valley, Arizona, my golden girl, gives thanks to her best friend in the whole world, Shelby.
Here she is singing "Skyscaper"
Drew it was like watching an artist in concert. You performed!!!
I loved it! Thank you.
LA dissed her badly, shame on you LA this week is about being thankful.
Josh Krajcik dedicates his song and thanks to his 13 year old daughter Rowan (spelling?????)
Tonight he sings "Wild Horses".
Josh is so versatile! He plays piano, guitar, sings and now I hear he writes songs and released a song just before the X Factor competition.
He is also seems to be so warm,and genuine.
A common thread I have seen so far with most of these contestants is a drive, a love of life, a thankfulness for what they have and those who are there to love and support them.
Almost each one has someone who saved them in some way, by giving them the desire to aspire to their dream.
Tonight I give no negative criticism, although I con't stop thinking of it, I choose to save it for tomorrow.
Tonight will shine as a night to be thankful.
All of my comments are made BEFORE I hear the judges remarks. (so glad I have TIVO)
I am thankful to share this moment with each of them.