As the vignette's flash by of last nights performances I can not help but reflect on feeling I had. In particular LA Reid's criticism of Drew.
Why does he dislike her so much? His criticism each week has been about things that would all totally apply to his golden boy, brian.
Simon might respect him and be glad that he is here, but I think LA is closed minded to all but what he likes.
Little brian was just as megalomaniac as always. What is he going to do when he gets voted off?
His sound last night was not his best, (does he have a best?) I guess so he is still here, but not to my ears.
LA must have prompted him to the max to be more humble and less a spoiled brat. Everyone, in my opinion, is enabling him justify his socially unacceptable behavior.
I keep trying to hear what everyone else hears in him and I fail, I horribly fail.
He is my first choice to leave tonight.
My second choice is not a choice; it is a matter of triage and having to arrange my greatest likes to my lesser likes. It saddens my heart to make this choice, but it would have to be Lakoda Rayne.
I was feeling a little more than frustrated yesterday because I had made the decision not to be critical of the contestants and then brian came out. So I surfed to see what the scuttlebutt was floating out there about him and did not have to search long or far to discover I am not alone in my feelings about him. Below is a quote from one article that expressed many of my own thoughts.
'The X Factor' U.S. 2011 Episode 17: Josh Krajcik is fan fave; L.A. Reid backlash
Carla Hay - , The X Factor Examiner - November 23, 2011 -
Some viewers have also expressed disgust over the show’s judges being willing to make excuses for Astro and his rude antics. Cowell even said on the November 22 episode that he likes it when contestants misbehave once in a while. However, Reid in particular has lost a lot of viewer respect not only because of the way he defends Astro but also because Reid continues to hammer at 14-year-old finalist Drew for the same things that Astro does but Reid does not criticize Astro for, such as not showing enough versatility or choosing a song that is considered too “mature” for a teenager.
The rest of her article reflected many of my views as well and she brought out some things I had not considered.
At this point my favorites, in order are:
1. Drew
2. Rachael
3. Melanie
4. Josh
5. Leroy
6. Chris
7. Marcus
8. Lakoda Rayne
9. brian
So let's see who will survive and who will be asked to leave.
The final nine's Pepsi performance was fun filled and very entertaining. With the exception of one of the acts, they stretched their legs and really pulled off a GREAT set.
Now, in no particular order the first to stay is.
WOW !! What a minute, I can not believe they are doing this in this way. Lakoda Rayne and Drew, one will stay and one got the lowest votes of the evening and will be leaving immediately, no sing off.
I am chewing my nails, Come on Steve just say it....
Lakoda Rayne is going home. They were much more gracious than some. I am sorry to see them go. They have really come so far.
Poor Paula, she looks so sad.
YEAH!!!!! Drew will be coming back, but she definitely looked worried before he said her name.
Bruno Mars gave us a brief respite before the next loss. A nice diversion.
So in no particular order:
Chris Rene' you will be back!! yeah.. congratulations Chris
Rachael you are looking so serious... whoa until he just said your name. YES !! I am so happy for you!
Josh You Have Made It! for another week. WOO HOO! so happy for you!!
Four acts have gone through, one has gone home, four are left.
The fifth act through to next week is:
Melanie I am so happy to see you staying!!!!
Come on Steve!!! you won't let the judges hardly talk and you have these L..O..N..G.......
pregnant pauses. Just give it up why don't you?
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone is rigging the votes. There is no way he could make it through on his own "talent"!!
This is almost enough to make me quit watching, but I won't because I am emotionally connected to some of the acts.
I definitely WILL NOT watch this show next year. This is just too obviously wrong. Someone is paying someone to vote for that kid!!
It is obvious that there is more to this show than talent. Politics have their nasty little hands in the cookie jar as well.
The look on Simon's face tells it all.
I just went to the X factor site and was going to make a statement about all of this. Should have waited, saw who lost the sing off and also realized, too late, this is just a show. It is not worth getting so upset I run and complain about it. I was naive to think it would be fair. Need to just enjoy the decent talent that is left and ignore the plain wrapper they kept when they threw the delicious steak and cheese out. (no pun intended)
Marcus that was not a very strong song for the sing off, but since you won, what do I know?
Leroy, you did a great job on the sing off. Good song, thank you for sharing your talent. I am sincerely going to miss you.
Looks like I was not the only one who thought Leroy did better in the sing off. I just finished watching the judges decision to see how that went. Nicole looks as sad as Paula did. It just hurts my heart.
Leroy were gracious in your acceptance of the decision. Please do not give up. Look how far you got these past few weeks. I look forward to hearing more from you.
There are going to be a lot of sore throats tomorrow. Some of those girls were screaming mighty loud.
I am feeling a little let down and empty so I am calling it quits for now.